About Hong Kong Web Society


The society provides a channel of communication between academic and industry for the purpose of commercializing the applied research into industrial products. The academic and the industry seminars can be broadcast to both parties through Hong Kong Web Society (HKWS)'s Web-site. Its main goal is for academic and industry sectors to work together by taking advantage of both parties' knowledge. The academics provide theory and innovation ideas, and the business companies implement the ideas through commercialization. Through the society, the academic can communicate with the industry to find out the commercial market values of their research results. They can help their applied research projects and the commercialization of their research products. The industry can contact their potential customers through the society.


  • To be an effective professional body for Internet/Web technology transfer among the academic and industrial practitioners
  • To provide research oriented and commercial product promotion seminars, workshops and conferences to the IT professionals in Hong Kong at tertiary institutions


Our constitution can be found here.