ER main conference sessions |
Keynote Speakers |
Panels |
Demo |
Workshops |
PhD Symposium |
Tutorials |
Monday, November 11, 2013
8:00 |
Registration |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Opening Session |
9:00 - 10:10 |
Plenary K1 Keynote: Big DataConceptual Modeling to the Rescue David Embley
(Riverside Ballroom, 1/F)
10:10 - 10:30 |
Refreshment Break (Outside Tai Po Rooms, 2/F) |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Breakout 1: RIGiM (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: Ontology-Based Modeling II (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: LSAWM (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Modeling and Reasoning (Tai Po IV, 2/F) |
12:05 - 13:50 |
LUNCHEON: Software: the 21st Century’s Strategic Resource (Paul Nielsen) |
13:50 - 15:00 |
Plenary K2: What's Up in Business Intelligence? A Contextual and Knowledge-based Perspective; Marie-Aude Aufaure (Riverside Ballroom, 1/F) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Refreshment Break |
15:20 - 17:20 |
Breakout 1: RIGiM (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: DaSeM (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Conceptual Modeling and Application I (Tai Po III)
Breakout 4: Fundamentals of Conceptual Modeling (Tai Po IV)
18:30 - 20:30 |
Welcome Reception |
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
8:00 |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Peter Chen Award Ceremony |
9:00 - 10:10 |
Plenary K3 Keynote: Big Data and Enterprise Analytics Surajit Chaudhuri (Riverside Ballroom, 1/F) |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Refreshment Break (Outside Tai Po Rooms, 2/F) |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Breakout 1: WISM (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: SeCoGIS (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Conceptual Modeling and Applications 2 (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Business Process Modeling 1 (Tai Po IV, 2/F) |
12:05 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:40 - 15:00 |
Breakout 1: WISM (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: SeCoGIS (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3:Ontology-Based Modeling I
(Tai Po III) |
Breakout 4: Business Process Modeling II
(Tai Po IV) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Refreshment Break |
15:20 - 17:20 |
Breakout 1: PANEL I (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: SeCoGIS (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Conceptual Modeling Education (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Network Modeling (Tai Po IV) |
18:30 - 20:30 |
Banquet |
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
8:00 |
8:30 - 10:10 |
Breakout 1: PhD Symposium I (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: Modeling in the event-driven world I (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Big Data & Conceptual Modeling (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Searching and Mining (Tai Po IV, 2/F) |
10:10 - 10:30 |
Refreshment Break (Outside Tai Po Rooms, 2/F) |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Breakout 1: PhD Symposium II (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: Modeling in the event-driven world II (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Big Data & Conceptual Modeling
(Tai Po III) |
Breakout 4: Data Semantics
(Tai Po IV, 2/F) |
12:05 - 13:30 |
Lunch |
13:40 - 15:00 |
Breakout 1: (Tai Po I) |
Breakout 2: Ambient Assistance and Modeling I (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Big Data & Conceptual Modeling (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Security and Optimization
(Tai Po IV) |
15:00 - 15:20 |
Refreshment Break |
15:20 - 17:20 |
Breakout 1: MoBiD (Tai Po I, 2/F) |
Breakout 2: Ambient Assistance and Modeling II (Tai Po II, 2/F) |
Breakout 3: (Tai Po III, 2/F) |
Breakout 4: Demo (Tai Po IV) |
Full Program |
Monday 08:30-09:00 |
Opening Session |
Monday 09:00-10:10 |
K1 Keynote: Big Data Conceptual Modeling to the Rescue
  David W. Embley
Room: Riverside Ballroom |
Chair: Veda C. Storey |
Monday 10:30-12:00 |
Ontology-Based Modeling II |
Ontological Distinctions Between Means-End and Contribution Links in the i* Framework
  Renata Guizzardi, Xavier Franch, Giancarlo Guizzardi and Roel Wieringa
Applying the Principles of an Ontological-based approach to a Conceptual Schema of Human Genome
  Ana M. Martinez Ferrandis, Oscar Pastor Lopez and Gincarlo Guizzardi
Ontologies for International Standards for Software Engineering
  Brian Henderson-Sellers, Tom Mcbride, Graham Low and Cesar Gonzalez-Perez
On the symbiosis between Enterprise Modelling and Ontology Engineering
  Frederik Gailly, Sven Casteleyn and Nadejda Alkhaldi
Modeling and Reasoning |
Modeling and Reasoning with Decision-Theoretic Goals
  Sotirios Liaskos, Shakil Khan, Mikhail Soutchanski and John Mylopoulos
TBIM: A Language for Modeling and Reasoning about Business Plans
  Fabiano Francesconi, Fabiano Dalpiaz and John Mylopoulos
Automated Reasoning for Regulatory Compliance
  Alberto Siena, Silvia Ingolfo, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi and John Mylopoulos
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Ernest Teniente |
Monday 13:50-15:00 |
K2 Keynote: What's Up in Business Intelligence? A Contextual and Knowledge-based Perspective
  Marie-Aude Aufaure
Room: Riverside Ballroom |
Chair: Wilfred Ng |
Monday 15:20-17:20 |
Conceptual Modeling and Application I |
Former Students' Perception of Improvement Potential of Conceptual Modeling in Practice
  Albert Tort, Antoni Olive and Joan Antoni Pastor
Conceptual Modeling for Ambient Assistance
  Judith Michael and Heinrich C. Mayr
Empirical evaluation of the quality of conceptual models based on user perceptions: a case study in the transport domain
  Daniela S. Cruzes, Audun Vennesland and Marit K. Natvig
Room: Tai Po III |
Chair: Wolfgang Maass |
Fundamentals of Conceptual Modeling |
Is Traditional Conceptual Modeling Becoming Obsolete?
  Roman Lukyanenko and Jeffery Parsons
Cognitive Mechanisms of Conceptual Modelling: How Do People Do It?
  Ilona Wilmont, Sytse Hengeveld, Erik Barendsen and Stijn Hoppenbrouwers
A semantic analysis of shared references
  Roland Kaschek
Are Conceptual Models Concept Models?
  Chris Partridge, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez and Brian Henderson-Sellers
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Carson Woo |
Tuesday 09:00-10:10 |
K3 Keynote: Big Data and Enterprise Analytics
  Surajit Chaudhuri
Room: Riverside Ballroom |
Chair: Juan C. Trujillo |
Tuesday 10:30-12:00 |
Conceptual Modeling and Application II |
Towards the effective use of traceability in Model-Driven Engineering projects
  Ivan Santiago, Juan Manuel Vara, Mara Valeria De Castro and Esperanza Marcos
Modeling Citizen-centric Services in Smart Cities
  Sandeep Purao, Teo Chin Seng and Alfred Wu
Representing and Elaborating Quality Requirements: The QRA Approach
  Jie Sun, Pericles Loucopoulos and Liping Zhao
Towards a Strategy-Oriented Value Modeling Language: Identifying Strategic Elements of the VDML Meta-Model
  Ben Roelens and Geert Poels
Room: Tai Po III |
Chair: Colette Rolland |
Business Process Modeling I |
Visual Modeling and Semantics of Business Process Compliance Rules with the Support of Multiple Perspectives
  David Knuplesch, Manfred Reichert, Linh Thao Ly, Akhil Kumar and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma
Deciding Data Object Relevance for Business Process Model Abstraction
  Josefine Harzmann, Andreas Meyer and Mathias Weske
Matching Business Process Models Using Positional Passage-based Language Models
  Matthias Weidlich, Eitam Sheetrit, Moises C. Branco and Avigdor Gal
Towards an Empirically Grounded Conceptual Model for Business Process Compliance
  Martin Schultz
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Lois Delcambre |
Tuesday 13:40-15:00 |
Ontology-Based Modeling I |
Toward an ontology-driven unifying metamodel for UML Class Diagrams, EER, and ORM2
  C. Maria Keet and Pablo Fillottrani
Towards Ontological Foundations for the Conceptual Modeling of Events
  Giancarlo Guizzardi, Gerd Wagner, Ricardo Falbo, Joao Paulo Almeida and Renata Guizzardi
Baquara: A Holistic Ontological Framework for Movement Analysis with Linked Data
  Renato Fileto, Marcelo Kruger, Nikos Pelekis, Yannis Theodoridis and Chiara Renso
Room: Tai Po III |
Chair: Heinrich C. Mayr |
Business Process Modeling II |
Improving Business Process Intelligence with Object State Transition Events
  Nico Herzberg, Andreas Meyer, Oleh Khovalko and Mathias Weske
A Conceptual Model of Intended Learning Outcomes Supporting Curriculum Development
  Preecha Tangworakitthaworn, Lester Gilbert and Gary B Wills
Cost-Informed Operational Process Support
  Moe Wynn, Hajo Reijers, Michael Adams, Chun Ouyang, Arthur Ter Hofstede, Wil van der Aalst, Michael Rosemann and Zahirul Hoque
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Avigdor Gal |
Tuesday 15:20-17:20 |
Network Modeling |
Automating the adaptation of evolving data-intensive ecosystems
  Petros Manousis, Panos Vassiliadis and George Papastefanatos
sonSchema: A Conceptual Schema for Social Networks
  Zhifeng Bao, Y.C. Tay and Jingbo Zhou
Minimizing Human Effort in Reconciling Match Networks
  Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Tri Kurniawan Wijaya, Zoltan Miklos, KarlAberer, Eliezer Levy, Victor Shafran, Avigdor Gal and Matthias Weidlich
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Sudha Ram |
Wednesday 08:30-10:10 |
Searching and Mining |
From Structure-based to Semantics-based: Effective XML Keyword Search
  Thuy Ngoc Le, Huayu Wu, Tok Wang Ling, Luochen Li and Jiaheng Lu
Combining Personalization and Groupization to Enhance Web search
  Kenneth Wai-Ting Leung, Dik Lun Lee and Yuchen Liu
Colored Petri Nets for Integrating the Data Perspective in Process Audits
  Michael Werner
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Jeffery Parsons |
Wednesday 10:30-12:00 |
Data Semantics |
Effective Recognition and Visualization of Semantic Requirements by Perfect SQL Samples
  Van Le, Sebastian Link and Flavio Ferrarotti
A Semantic Approach to Keyword Search over Relational Databases
  Zhong Zeng, Zhifeng Bao, Mong Li Lee and Tok Wang Ling
Semantic-Based Mappings
  Giansalvatore Mecca, Guillem Rull, Donatello Santoro and Ernest Teniente
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Giancarlo Cuizzardi |
Wednesday 13:40-15:00 |
Security and Optimization |
Managing Security Requirements Conflicts in Socio-Technical Systems
  Elda Paja, Fabiano Dalpiaz and Paolo Giorgini
Optimising Conceptual Data Models through Profiling in Object Databases
  Tilmann Zaschke, Stefania Leone, Tobias Gmunder and Moira Norrie
Skyline Queries over Incomplete Data - Error Models for Focused Crowd-Sourcing
  Christoph Lofi, Kinda El Maarry and Wolf-Tilo Balke
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: Eric Yu |
Wednesday 15:20-17:20 |
Demonstrations |
sonSQL: An Extensible Relational DBMS for Social Network Start-ups
  Zhifeng Bao, Jingbo Zhou, and Y.C. Tay
Lightweight Conceptual Modeling for Crowdsourcing
  Roman Lukyanenko and Jeffrey Parsons
OntoDBench: Interactively Benchmarking Ontology Storage in a Database
  Stéphane Jean, Ladjel Bellatreche, Carlos Ordonez, Géraud Fokou, and Mickaël Baron
Specifying and Reasoning over Socio-Technical Security Requirements with STS-Tool
  Elda Paja, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Mauro Poggianella, Pierluigi Roberti, and Paolo Giorgini
Flexible, Web-based Repositories for Instructional Materials
  Lois M. L. Delcambre and Scott Britell
Room: Tai Po IV |
Chair: TBA |