Accepted Demos: |
- sonSQL: An Extensible Relational DBMS for Social Network Start-ups.
Zhifeng Bao, Jingbo Zhou, and Y.C. Tay
- Lightweight Conceptual Modeling for Crowdsourcing.
Roman Lukyanenko and Jeffrey Parsons
- OntoDBench: Interactively Benchmarking Ontology Storage in a Database.
Stéphane Jean, Ladjel Bellatreche, Carlos Ordonnez, Géraud Fokou, and Mickaël Baron
- Specifying and Reasoning over Socio-Technical
Security Requirements with STS-Tool. Elda Paja, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Mauro Poggianella, Pierluigi Roberti, and Paolo Giorgini
- Flexible, Web-based Repositories for Instructional Materials.
Lois M. L. Delcambre and Scott Britell