Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original papers on research results or novel applications in web-based learning at the ICWL 2010 paper submission page:
ICWL 2010 Submission System
Please log in with your existing easy chair account or register a new one.
The submission web pages are Papers for submissions should be formatted in single column of no more than 10 pages in single line spacing according to the Springer LNCS Authors Guideline. Papers should be submitted in PDF format for review.
Camera-ready Paper format
Please see "For Authors" instructions at
Camera-ready Copy Submission
Please see "CRC Submission"
Springer copyright form of ICWL2010 Full / Short Paper : [download]
If any questions arise, please contact us at
ICWL2010 Workshops Submission Systems
Workshops: STEG'10 / CICW'10 / WGLBWS'10 / IWKDEWL'10
STEG'10 Submission System:
CICW'10 Submission System:
WGLBWS'10 Submission System:
IWKDEWL'10 Submission System: Papers for submissions should be formatted in single column of no more than 10 pages in single line spacing according to the Springer LNCS Authors Guideline. Papers should be submitted in PDF format for review.
Camera-ready Paper format
Please see "For Authors" instructions at
Camera-ready Copy Submission : Please see Workshop Notification of Acceptance.
Springer copyright form of Workshop Paper : [download] 