

It was quite a challenge to decide for the Best Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award. After listening to all the wonderful presentations, we have made our decision and announced the Best Paper Award and the Best Student Paper Award during the banquet. We also thank Prof. Lusheng Wang, Acting Head of Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong, to help us present the awards to the recipients.

--- Howard Leung, Elvira Popescu, Yiwei Cao, Program Co-Chairs, ICWL 2011


Best Paper Award

The Best Paper Award went to Dr. Roberto Araya for his paper titled "Strategies Used by Students on a Massively Multiplayer Online Mathematics Game"


Best Student Paper Award

The Best Student Paper Award went to Hans Põldoja for his paper titled "Web-based Self- and Peer-assessment of Teachers’ Educational Technology Competencies"